Wow, it's been a while.
Too long for me to really recall what I've been doing. Tonnes of Red
House Vintage related things have been going on though including our one
year anniversary at the Gilles St. Markets and launch of our online Spring Collection! Heaps more in the works
too, new website, launch of our vintage jewellery range, new collections, Summer lookbook, market dates + much much more. Annnnnnd our Designer Vintage range due for release early 2012... If I can bring myself to let any of the pieces go that is.
For now though, watch this amazing ad I found from the 60's. Best. Fashion. In. An. Ad. Ever.
Anyway I'm going to try my best to get back into the swing of blogging (at least more then once every three months. And maybe even find something super interesting to write about?!! Who knows... XXX